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Lisfranc injuries - the hidden injury

Lisfranc injuries are an uncommon occurrence accounting for only 1% of injuries in the foot. However in light of the patients with undiagnosed lisfranc injuries we felt the need to pop a little blog up about them.

Lisfranc injuries are very rare, and thus are often misdiagnosed. They happen when the foot gets caught and the rest of the body "falls" over it. For example a person who falls off a horse with their foot in the stirrup, or by their foot being stuck in a hole and falling over.

Mild lisfranc injuries are very hard to detect, with X-rays and ultrasound scans usually not being able to find any issues. Severe lisfranc injuries are still hard to diagnose, but a weight bearing X-ray can sometimes allow your podiatrist to diagnose the problem.

Usually if there is a suspected lisfranc injury with nothing abnormal on your X-rays and ultrasound scan, your podiatrist will most likely refer you for an MRI. Treatment involves allowing the injury to heal by resting, moon boot immobilization and custom orthotics, and can sometimes require surgery. Your podiatrist will also prescribe you with a leg strengthening programme.

As lisfranc injuries are hard to diagnose, we often see these as chronic issues rather than acute. The problem with this is that once they have been left for a long time they can cause irreversible damage such as arthritis of the midfoot which is why if you are suffering from pain in the midfoot you should seek help.

If you have had a fall and have pain in the middle of your foot, or severe bruising underneath your foot following an injury, you should seek treatment immediately. Our podiatrists at Step Up Podiatry are injury specialists and will be able to manage your lisfranc injury in the correct manner.

Lisfranc injuries are covered by ACC, and an initial consultation is only $20 and follow up appointments are currently free. If you require custom orthotics or an MRI for your lisfranc injury these are completely covered by ACC with no surcharge.

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