Formally introducing our newest podiatrist!
Many of you have met our wonderful new podiatrist Jessica Glengarry, as she was with us last year on placement :) And she hasn't left!...
Injury: Achilles Tendonitis
With many of our patients coming in each week with achilles problems, we thought that a video of the eccentric exercises would be a great...

Injury: Bruised Toenail
Each day at our clinic, we ususally see at least one bruised toenail. (subungal haematoma) These are very common, and as we work with...

Sports Shoes for 2016
Well we can't wait for these shoes to arrive on our NZ shores! Some of these shoes look amazing but we will have to wait for them to...
What makes our clinic different?
Happy New Year everyone! We hope everyone had a safe holiday and didn't get stuck in those nasty storms while camping around the coasts!...
ACC and ingrown toenails
Some patients with ingrown toenails are due to genetics, however approximately half of the ingrown nails we see are covered by ACC. This...
Bookings over christmas
Hi Everyone! We have only a few appointments available between now and the christmas holidays. Our Waiuku, Drury, Mangere and Te Kauwhata...

Tea Tree Oil for Toenail Fungus
Many of our patients suffer from fungal infections of the toenails and have tried the creams and potions from the pharmacy with no...
Merry Christmas From Step Up Podiatry!
#podiatry #christmas #stepuppodiatry #pukekohe #waiuku #drury #mangere #tekauwhata
Deals for locals special!
Hello everyone! To get everyones feet in order for the summer we have a very special deal to offer through deals for locals. We have a...